Day 2: Charlotte and Piper

 Today we ventured throughout the tortguero forest. Starting in the morning, we all hopped in small canoe boats (powered by electrical energy to limit pollution) and explored the forest by water. We got to see caymans (small crocodiles), countless birds, a bunch of monkeys, and a few igunanas. After we ate a delicious lunch, we had the opportunity to explore the national park through a beautiful trail. We saw more monkeys here, and got the chance to see a poisonus tree frog and a sloth! we ended the trail on the beach and did some pollution clean up. Tonight, we plan to take a walk and try our luck watching turtles nest or catching a glimpse of a jaguar! Today was such a wonderful beginning to nine more days of experiencing nature in beautiful Costa Rica.

Charlotte: On the second day of your adventure in coasta rica we woke up bright and early to enjoy a nice canoe ride through the jungle. Our lovely guide pointed out several species of native and migrating birds, lizards, and monkeys! The biodiversity was in bounds as we made our way through the lush rainforest canals. We learned how to identify different herons by the bird calls and about how the conservation laws in coasta rica have through public and private land protected about 52% of the country's forests and habitats. At lunch, over delicious chicken fajitas, I had a chance to further bond with the group through twenty questions and stories from our different boat rides. Next we headed into the rainforest where we saw poison dart frogs, a snake, a sloth, and other wonderful creatures. We ended our hike on the beach were the beautiful carribean meet the volcanic sands. After relaxing and doing an impromptu beach cleanup the group headed to a surprise fresh coconut water snack that refreshed all the weary feet! We continue to explore the little town of Tortugero and hope to see some nesting sea turtle tonight!


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